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Tuckshop News

Late last term we sadly accepted the resignation of our long time Tuckshop Convenor Bec.

Bec left big shoes to fill, and we are thrilled to announce that Lyndall, who was the WKC cook steeped seamlessly into the role with the wonderful support of long time tuckshop staff member Dot!

This term has seen a number of changes the biggest being our tuckshop opening 5 days a week. The addition of Monday opening welcomes "sushi Mondays" which is already very popular.

With an earlier opening time each morning and a full cafe style coffee menu the tuckshop is becoming more of a hub for our wonderful parents and families.

We also welcome two new casual staff to the Tuckshop being Lucia and Sophie.

Sophie is a Wilston parent and has been volunteering in the tuckshop and Lucia has a strong food service background and will also be joining our Learn to Swim instructors!

We are thrilled to have them both on board.

There will continue to be changes as Lyndall, Dot and the team move forward.


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