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2022 Re-Enrolment and New Enrolments for Wilston Kids Care

Dear Families,

Today we are communicating the process for the re-enrolment of existing children and new enrolments (new children to the School & WKC) for 2022.

Each year Wilston Kids Care rolls over all existing bookings at the end of the year to continue into the next year. This process will be continued for 2022 bookings.

Please follow the steps below for re-enrolment and new enrolments in 2022. Choose your enrolment type instructions below that suit your child’s circumstances for 2022.

Re-Enrolling your Existing Child/ren?

If you would like to keep the same bookings for 2022, there is nothing you are required to do. You will have the same bookings you currently have in 2021 rolled over to 2022.

If you need to change your booked days in 2022

(i.e., add or remove days) you will need to complete the Request to Change Permanent Booking Form for any booking changes for 2022. These requested changes will be confirmed via email in October 2021. You only fill this form out if you want to change your days. Any changes made to booked days are subject to availability.

If you Child is leaving Wilston Kids Care in 2022

This includes children from Grade 6 leaving to go to high school and children leaving the school and Wilston Kids Care.

All children in Grade 6 will have their permanent bookings automatically cancelled as of 10 December 2021, unless otherwise advised by the Parent or Guardian in writing. Grade 6 children are welcome to attend Vacation Care until Friday 21 January 2022.

If your child is not in Grade 6 and will not be returning to Wilston Kids Care next year you will need to email us at to advise that your child will not be returning in 2022.

Please note, all cancelations must be in writing (email), and you must provide at least seven days’ notice. If you know further in advance, we prefer you provide us with the additional notice as it will allow us time to offer your position to a new child coming into the Service in 2022.

If you do not advise Wilston Kids Care that your child is no longer needing care or leaving Wilston State School, you will continue to pay for your booking until you have advised us in writing with seven days’ notice. We do not get information from the school regarding your child’s enrolment. If you need to cancel your Wilston Kids Care bookings you must contact Wilston Kids Care, as we are a separate business.

New Child/ren to Wilston Kids Care Enrolling for 2022

New Preps for 2022 and new Enrolments to the school and WKC

Complete the Enrolment Form at the link below. Please ensure you have listed the parents/guardians as well as 2 Emergency (authorised) contacts for your child.

Please note, if you have other children enrolled at Wilston Kids Care, the Parent/Guardian details you enter must match those listed on your account details in your Xplor Home app (including capital letters).

To check your account details please follow the instructions below. If you key in the details incorrectly and they don’t match your current details, it will create a duplicate account and system errors for you.

  1. Open your Xplor Home app

  2. Click the Space helmet (account tab) on the bottom right-hand side

  3. When enrolling your new child, please ensure your name is entered on your enrolment form in the same format as listed on the top of the page on your app (this is case sensitive)

All booking requests made on your Enrolment Form, will be confirmed via email by October 2021.

Wilston Kids Care will send you a formal offer via email that you will need to accept or decline within 5 business days. If you do not respond to this formal offer your position will automatically be passed onto the next family on the waitlist via our automated enrolment program.

If you have not received an offer before the end of October 2021, your child will automatically be placed on the 2022 waitlist. As more positions become available the Wilston Kids Care Administration Team will continue to send more offers as days become available.

Please note, historically more positions do become available throughout the end of the year and into January and February 2022. As you can appreciate, we cannot predict when and if this will occur. This is because all bookings are based on each family’s changing circumstances.

Service Orientations for New Families to WKC via Zoom

For all new children enrolling in 2022, a parent or guardian must complete an orientation session with Wilston Kids Care before the commencement of your child’s enrolment.

This year, as part of our COVID-19 Safe Plan, we will be conducting these orientations in larger groups via Zoom. This means that you can complete the orientation in the comfort of your own home and manage the care of your children.

To book your orientation click the link below. We have four group zoom sessions to choose from, listed below.

You only need to attend one session:

  • Monday 15 November 2021 - 7pm,

  • Wednesday 1 December 2021 - 7pm,

  • Tuesday 4 January 2022 - 7pm

  • Wednesday 19 January 2022 - 7pm

Please note, families who require Vacation Care in January 2022 will not be able to attend the 19 January 2022 Orientation session, as this is at the end of the Vacation Care Period.

All sessions will run at 7pm and will last approximately 1 hour and will have a dedicated Q&A session at the end. To ensure our legal and compliance obligations, children cannot commence at the Service until their family has been formally orientated about the Service’s operational requirements.

Please note, all new enrolments for 2022 must complete an orientation during the times listed above. No other times slots will be available so you MUST attend one of the above sessions if you want your child/ren to start at Wilston Kids Care in January 2022.

We are so very excited to deliver these succinct and clear enrolment procedures for 2022 and look forward to meeting all the new children and their families in the new year. We thank our Wilston Kids Care community for their ongoing support for our Service and we look forward to an exciting and prosperous 2022.

Any questions regarding the above processes, please don’t hesitate to call 07 3352 6753 or email us on

Many thanks,

Wilston Kids Care Administration Team

Phone: 33526753

Mobile: 0401059192


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