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Xplor Home - Things you need to know

Dear Parents,

With the rollout of our new Xplor software yesterday, we thought we would touch base with our families and give some tips and tricks of what we have noticed so far.

  1. Please make sure you bring your phone. This is the fastest way to way to sign in and out. You click the orange sign in/out button at the bottom of your Xplor Home app, scan the QR code (if you have more than one child, select the children you are signing in/out) and click on the orange button at the bottom. Once you see the green tick on your screen you are good to go! If you do not have your phone, please make sure you have set up your Xplor ID and access code. Otherwise you can use your email and password that you have set up from the welcome email. The preferred method of use is scanning the QR code. This is a contactless method that is the safest and fastest for or Wilston Kids Care community.

  2. Make sure you have all the details (user names, passwords) set up from your welcome email before you arrive. This will make the whole process faster for you and will reduce congestion for other parents. If you have not yet registered, you will need to refer to your welcome email sent directly from Xplor to set up your user name and password. Once these details are created, download the Xplor Home app form your app store and enter your details. For further information on this, please refer to the news section of the Wilston P&C website for instructions. There are several articles there that explain a multitude of different topics sent to families over the last few weeks.

  3. If you need Dani or Michaela to resend you the Welcome email from Xplor, please contact us to let us know and we can arrange this for you.

  4. You cannot scan the QR code through your phone camera. This will not work. The QR code for Xplor is embedded into the software and therefore you must use the Xplor Home app to the tablets we have available that will display the QR code.

  5. The first time that you use the Xplor Home app, you will need to allow the app to use the camera. Once you have confirmed this (the screen will prompt you what to do), it will not ask you again.

  6. We have an easel located in the parent lounge area on the stage that has the instructions on how to do the signing in and out on the new Xplor Home app. There is an image of a QR code on these instructions. This image will not work if you try and scan it. You must use the tablets provided for families. However, please feel free to refer to these instructions if Dani or Michaela are unavailable to help you.

  7. If you have an authorised person coming in to collect your child, they will need to use their email address and password or Xplor ID and access code (if they have set this up) to sign out as a hub guest. They will not be able to utalise the app for scanning purposes. For more information about hub guests, refer to the news section of the Wilston P&C website

  8. Please uninstall My Family Lounge and cease using this app effective immediately. This software is no longer connected to Wilston Kids Care as of Friday 21 August 2020. You need to process all booking requests (except the Pupil Free Day on 4 September 2020) through the Xplor Home app.

  9. Please make sure you have set up your notifications on the Xplor Home app to receive information/messages from Wilston Kids Care. This may be general notes for the entire service e.g. “Service closed for a public holiday” reminders or may be an individual note such as “your child forgot their togs for swimming” etc. As My Family Lounge has ceased, there will no longer be notes on your sign in and out kiosk. One of the new rollouts coming shortly is Incident Reports that will go directly to the app. It is imperative that this notification feature is set up.

Thank you to the families who have provided such positive feedback so far. We are loving the new system also. It is much faster, contactless, and very easy to use. We would also like to thank the parents who have been very understanding, thoughtful and flexible with adapting to this new software platform. Over the coming months as we rollout more and more features of Xplor, you will see how intuitive and user friendly this software is to support your child’s enrolment in a regulated Outside School Hours Care Service.

Dani and Michaela will be available at the sign in and out area for the rest of this week on both Before and After School Care for any questions or concerns. Otherwise, please don’t hesitate to send us an email or contact us if you would like to discuss anything further.

Kind regards,

Wilston Kids Care Administration Team Phone: 07 3352 6753

Mobile: 0401 059 192

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