As you are aware, Wilston Kids Care has our very own Facebook Page so families and the wider community can follow all the great things we do at Outside School Hours Care. We use our page to make learning visible to families, celebrate the learning and leisure activities that occur each session, and also update parents with important information about upcoming events.
The below form is to permit the use photo's and videos of your child on the following platforms:
Wilston State School Newsletter
Wilston Kids Care Newsletter
Other presentations and displays used at the Wilston Kids Care Service
Images and videos of your child may contain the following:
Image of your child's face (if permitted below)
Voice/video recording of your child engaged in a learning activity (as permitted below)
Educational projects created by your child (either created by themselves or as part of a group).
Purpose of Providing Consent
It is the Service’s practice to take photographs and videos of children for Curriculum purposes (documentation and programming). We publish these observational photos and videos for the purpose of celebrating children achieving educational outcomes within the My Time Our Place Curriculum Framework.
At Wilston Kids Care we have considered all aspects of cyber safety. Our Leadership Team ensure all cyber safe record keeping procedures are in place and followed. Wilston Kids Care takes security and privacy for your child/ren very seriously. Any content we add, will only be about the leisure and learning, Service events, and educating the community about how Outside School Hours Care works.
Our Service needs to receive consent in writing by a parent/guardian before any images or videos are used. The below form is a record of the consent provided. Please note, if you do not consent there will be little to no photo documented evidence about your child's learning progress. Many children request to have their photos taken and feel proud when they see their learning displayed on the different platforms.