Community Outreach Program
As a Service we strive to build relationships and engage with our community, and that means that we take pride in helping those in need....
Get Ready for the New Child Care Subsidy
Are you ready for the new Child Care Subsidy? To transition, you’ll need to provide new information through myGov. For more information...
Vacation Care Bookings!
Have you booked your Vacation Care spots? We've got an exciting program planned and we'd love to see you there! Come and join us for fun...
Callout for Recycled Materials
With Vacation Care fast approaching we're looking for recycled materials for craft and construction! Do you have cardboard boxes, plastic...
Wilston Kids Care Rollover Enrolment Processes for 2019
Dear Families, WKC Prep enrollment and rollover of existing bookings is now open for 2019. Please refer to the instructions below on the...
Daily Dialogue
We love having conversations with you about your child! As educators we are always looking for more information about what makes the kids...
Keeping Your Child Healthy!
Did you know that some medical conditions require exclusion from school, childcare centres and other settings to prevent the spread of...
Share Our Pride
Image: 'Over Time We Come Together 2015' by Cassie Leatham One of the most important aspects of Reconciliation is to listen and learn...
Nurragunnawali Webinars
Narragunnawali supports all schools and early learning services in Australia to develop environments that foster a higher level of...
National Reconciliation Week
National Reconciliation Week commemorates two milestones in the journey to Reconciliation in Australia: the successful 1967 referendum,...