Health and Wellbeing: Dental Hygiene
Establishing a proper oral hygiene routine from a young age is essential for children’s health, development and wellbeing. Here at...
How To Talk To Kids About Charity
At WKC we’ve recently started collecting non-perishable food items and toiletries in our stage area as part of our Community Outreach...
How To Talk To Kids About Respecting Their Environment
At Wilston Kids Care respecting and caring for our environment is at the forefront of what we do. We acknowledge the importance of...
Get Ready for the New Child Care Subsidy
Are you ready for the new Child Care Subsidy? To transition, you’ll need to provide new information through myGov. For more information...
Share Our Pride
Image: 'Over Time We Come Together 2015' by Cassie Leatham One of the most important aspects of Reconciliation is to listen and learn...
Nurragunnawali Webinars
Narragunnawali supports all schools and early learning services in Australia to develop environments that foster a higher level of...
National Reconciliation Week
National Reconciliation Week commemorates two milestones in the journey to Reconciliation in Australia: the successful 1967 referendum,...
Family Webcast: Child Care Subsidy
Do you need more information regarding the transition to the Child Care Subsidy? The next family webcast information session hosted by...
Lavender Scented No Cook Play Dough
The kids at WKC love to use play dough with additions from the garden to make a scented sensory experience! Not only do they get the...
Propagating Rosemary
Many of you have noticed our bundles of rosemary in jars around the centre, and we've been getting lots of questions about how to get...